Visit the best restaurants on Pelješac peninsula and taste the best oysters & wines!
Place: Pelješac
Date: 15.06. - 16.07.2022.

Events you should attend during the Festival:

Ston - Pelješac Flavours- every Friday

Orebić- Pelješac Flavours  every Wednesday in July and August

Trpanj- Pelješac Flavours    02.07.2022.


 Pelješac Dinner, Drače ,25.06.2022.

 Fisherman’s Night, Sreser  09.07.2022.

 Wine Night, Viganj  11.07.2022.

 Hunter’s Night, Gornja Vručica  16.07.2022.


Check your calendars and save the date(s)!  

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